Monday 11 June 2012


Hey  guys,

So some new stuff has happened in the past few days. Sadly Leanne and I have decided to go our own seperate ways so we can be sure to brand ourselves properly in the fashion industry. But don't fret, there are no hard feelings between us :) So it's just going to be me from now on!
Also, this past weekend I bought a gorgeous new jacket (below) from Zara that I absolutely looooove. It matches my Prada flats exactly ;)
For my last bit of news, I decided I'm going to finance a new car sometime before the year is over (hopefully before the summer is over but we'll see. fingers crossed). This isn't just any old car guys, its the 2012 VW GTI and it is absolutely fab. I've loved this car for the past few years and I've finally decided that I need to have one before my Jetta dies on me (haha just joking, my Jetta is lovely). Feast your eyes on the photo of it below.. I'm officially in love. 


  1. leasing a car is the dumbest thing you can do.

  2. Last time I checked I said "financing" not leasing because I agree that leasing is dumb.
